Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1, 2012 Grand Vue

It was "raptor night" on this nice evening at Grand Vue. Ann and I went for a walk. My first bird was a Coopers Hawk sailing over the ridge behind the reception hall. All nest boxes are empty. I did hear a few bluebirds but numbers were not abundantly observed. Many Song, Chipping, and Field Sparrows as well as all the commoners. As we walked we saw or heard pileated, red bellied, and hairy woodpeckers as well as many flickers. Of note on this walk were the three Broadwinged Hawks. I heard them first in an area common for peewees and not until I saw one of these young buteos did I discover that I encountered something a bit out of the ordinary. They moved from tree to tree and seemed to be going in our same direction for a portion of our walk. I also saw and heard the acadian flycatcher again. Good walk on a beautiful evening and Ann enjoyed the scenery as well.

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