Saw three nests: Tree swallows have 5 eggs in box #2, Flicker flushed twice from hole over hill from box #3 - hole has "roof" of fungus above, sparrow flushed from nest in clearing by box #5 (4 eggs with tan specks)- I will return to site to ID the species.
Started with a female cowbird, Baltimore Orioles, I think I heard an Orchard Oriole, watched a female Rose Breasted Grossbeak for several minutes, 10+ Cedar Waxwings, red eyed verios -several had fledged young to feed, Indigo Buntings, heard many wood thrush, Flickers, Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Downy, Towhees, song, chipping, field sparrows.
2 hours
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
May 16, 2010 Grantsville, MD and High Point PA
Gary and I took a 4 1/2 hour stop and go birding drive from Grantsville to highpoint PA continuing through Niverton (Amish School) to river road. It was a great day for warblers on this highest point in PA. Most common warblers were Chestnut Sided and Ovenbirds. We got good looks at the Chestnut Sided Warblers many times and I had an extended look at the ovenbird. Other birds seen included: Black Throated Blue, Red Start, Parula, yellow throat, Yellow.
Also saw Juncos, Red Eye Verios, Blue Headed Verios, Phoebes, Blue Gray Knatcatcher, Towhee.
As we drove farmland we saw the following: bobolink, Meadowlarks,Cowbirds,Redwing Blackbirds, Kingbird, Tree Swallows, Barn Swallows,and a cliff swallow COLONY OF 40+ NESTS, Blue Birds, Savannah Sparrows, Chipping, Field, Song Sparrows, Purple Finch, Killdeer, solitary sandpiper, kestrel.
Many birds were identified by sound including: Black Throated Green, Magnolia, Hooded, Black and White, Canada Warbler (1),
Also heard Great Crested Flycatcher, Acadian Flycatcher, Pewee, Yellow Throated Verio, catbird, Hermit Thrush, Wood Thrush, Pileated, Downy, Hairy Woodpeckers, Flickers, and nuthatches.
Hoping for specific birds in areas that have yielded birds this year but did not see blue winged warblers, Red Headed Woodpeckers nesting sights, maybe next time.
Counting commoners we probably saw close to 70 species on this AM birding experience. Next time maybe an earlier start and we will hear the chorus of birds. I can only imagine how many warblers could be counted.
Gary, comment if I missed a few!
Also saw Juncos, Red Eye Verios, Blue Headed Verios, Phoebes, Blue Gray Knatcatcher, Towhee.
As we drove farmland we saw the following: bobolink, Meadowlarks,Cowbirds,Redwing Blackbirds, Kingbird, Tree Swallows, Barn Swallows,and a cliff swallow COLONY OF 40+ NESTS, Blue Birds, Savannah Sparrows, Chipping, Field, Song Sparrows, Purple Finch, Killdeer, solitary sandpiper, kestrel.
Many birds were identified by sound including: Black Throated Green, Magnolia, Hooded, Black and White, Canada Warbler (1),
Also heard Great Crested Flycatcher, Acadian Flycatcher, Pewee, Yellow Throated Verio, catbird, Hermit Thrush, Wood Thrush, Pileated, Downy, Hairy Woodpeckers, Flickers, and nuthatches.
Hoping for specific birds in areas that have yielded birds this year but did not see blue winged warblers, Red Headed Woodpeckers nesting sights, maybe next time.
Counting commoners we probably saw close to 70 species on this AM birding experience. Next time maybe an earlier start and we will hear the chorus of birds. I can only imagine how many warblers could be counted.
Gary, comment if I missed a few!
May 15, 2010 GRANDVUE
Did a birding hike in the AM before heading to Maryland. Tree Swallows are on nest. I opened the box (#2) and the female would not flush. The male did several dive bombs so I think eggs are being incubated. I will check again to see young. Birds observed: Baltimore Orioles in abundance and one female building. I saw what appeared to be an immature oriole with a nervous parent. I thought this to be a bit early, but could not account for any other reason to see such behavior. Also had yellow warblers, wood thrush, bluebirds, indigo buntings, and a long look at a hooded warbler singing repeatedly. Heard rose breasted grossbeak, scarlet tanagers, red starts, veery thrush, and many more. good bright day.
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