Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11, 2011 Grandvue

The walk today yielded Northern Orioles, scarlet tanagers, rose breasted grossbeaks, many woodthrush, flickers, and a coopers hawk. Bluebird boxes had a nest with eggs moved outside of nest pocket. An other box had young birds. A great walk at dusk.

Saturday, May 7 2011 Nauvoo

I traveled to Nauvoo to walk the same path previously taken in hopes to confirm the Northern Waterthrush. This walk in the morning gave a better chance to hear the song. Anyway, about half way through the walk I did spot them. This time however, they did not stick around. One flew off immediately and the other popped up on a branch and then slipped out of site. I did have a good view of the bird. Again tail bobs were straight up and down. Eventually I did hear the waterthrush and noted three beginning notes but they were not the slurred notes of the Louisiana. Emphasis on the end of the song confirms Northern Waterthrush. I may be able to enter this into the breeding bird atlas.
Other birds included Turkeys, Roughed Grouse, Black Throated Green Warblers, Ovenbirds, Red eyed verios, yellow throat, wood thrush, scarlet tanager, rose breasted grossbeak, Red tailed hawk, yellow warbler, Red Starts, Phoebe, Bluebirds, Chipping and Field Sparrows, Pileated, Hairy, Red Bellied woodpeckers and catbirds.
The good warbler day was highlighted by three or four hooded warblers.