Sunday, December 16, 2012
Current NestBoxes at Grand Vue
There are currently 12 boxes at Grand Vue: 3 small "wren or chickadee" size, 7 Bluebird Boxes, 2 large "screech owl" size boxes.
Box locations at grand vue
Box 1.
Latitude: 39.94369143, Longitude: -80.72934645
Box 2
Latitude: 39.94578066, Longitude: -80.73084882
Box 3
Latitude: 39.94838793, Longitude: -80.73332308
Box 4
Latitude: 39.94863822, Longitude: -80.73407837
Box 5
Latitude: 39.94696871, Longitude: -80.73525955
Box 6 small
Latitude: 39.94492067, Longitude: -80.73686888
Box 7 large
Latitude: 39.94724171, Longitude: -80.73674155
Box 8
Latitude: 39.9467033, Longitude: -80.73768561
Box 9
Latitude: 39.9491796, Longitude: -80.73823672
Box 10 small
Latitude: 39.9515627, Longitude: -80.73837242
Box 11 large
latitude: 39.95084308, Longitude: -80.73748251
Box 12
Latitude: 39.95034737, Longitude: -80.73759089
DECEMBER 15, 2012 Grand Vue Birds
Before hanging nest boxes I saw a red tail hawk flying very low to the ground coming over the ridge directly behind the conference center. He was definitely on the hunt. After hanging nest boxes I took note of the activity at the feeding stations. There were so many birds it was difficult to get a count but here is my best effort at most counted in a single count by species at 2:50:
House Finch (58 some could have been purple finches), Carolina Chickadee (15), Titmouse (12), Gold Finch (21), House Sparrows (8), WB Nuthatch (6), Mourning Dove (8), Junco (2), Red Bellied Woodpecker (2), Downey Woodpecker (1), Cardinal (4), Blue Jay (3),
DECEMBER 15, 2012 Grand Vue Owl Nest Boxes
This day began sunny and ended quite gray. I called Jim Asplund to assist with the hanging of two large nest boxes and two more bluebird boxes at Grand Vue. I carried tools and boxes in a back pack and Jim volunteered to carry the ladder and nest box. One box was hung close to a large clearing that remains un-mowed. I am hoping to get one of the following birds as an occupant: Kestrel (would be great but unlikely), Screech Owl, Flicker, Hairy, Red-Bellied, or Pileated Woodpecker.
An interesting note: When the screech owl box was hung Jim and I looked at our bird apps with regard to nesting habits. We then listened to the various calls of the screech owl. We were pleased that shortly thereafter we could hear the whinny call of an owl certainly within 100 yards of the nest box placement. Indeed these owls are on territory and active even at 2:00 on this overcast afternoon.
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