Monday, April 22, 2013


See you at Grand Vue!

April 22, 2013

On Sunday, April 21, 2013 I enjoyed a long walk.  Earlier I produced three birding lists to be used by guests at Grand Vue.  One list is a "Lite Challenge" with common birds that could be seen in a long walk.  I also did  "Medium and Big Challenge" Lists for long term birders.  The big challenge list covers the span of April to October and is quite extensive.  It includes migrating warblers.
I was told that yellow rumped warblers were sited but I was not able to find them.  In under two hours I was able to get 28 species on my Big Challenge list including a female red-winged blackbird, phoebe, and three brown thrashers.
This week I lead another outing.  Hopefully some folks show up and we make gains on the bird list.  I am noting some nesting activity to make entry into the breeding bird atlas which I have been neglecting.  More to follow, hopefully some warblers.

April Happenings and Update - April 22, 2013

Well, I have neglected to post for quite some time.  Spring has a later start this year as I compare notes from last year.  There were eggs in nest boxes in march last year but not this year.  None the less there is much activity and 5 of 7 boxes now have eggs.
I have been helping with birding at Grand Vue.  Two Saturdays a month I lead birding outings.  So far only one scheduled day had no shows.  April 6 was a chilly day and three people showed up.  We walked a slow pace noting common birds.  Bluebirds, pileated woodpecker, and towhees were notable.  Afterwards we enjoyed lunch at the golf shop with Scott Shalaway and Grand Vue personnel.  Rick Vargo showed nest boxes being made from old cedar signs.