Nest Boxes

On bad winter days I started making nest boxes for this spring. In the end I put up 7 boxes at Grandvue Park in Moundsville WV and 8 boxes at a camp on Nauvoo Ridge in Marshall County. I haven't had time to check on the Nauvoo boxes but they are always successful. Blue birds, wrens, and chicadees have been successful fledges in the past.

Grand Vue:
Placed 4 blue bird boxes and 3 boxes for smaller nesters in more remote areas.

April 17
I put the boxes up in March and very early April. Six are located behind the conference center on various trails. On April 4, box #3 had a small amount of grass. By the 17th I noticed a nest. However, nothing has been added and I don't see active blue birds going in and out. I did notice some feathers nearby that may indicate the bird fell to a predator.

April 22
Box #2 now has a nest. Hopefully a successful nest will follow. No eggs.

April 24
Box #3 still has the nest with no activity.
Box #2 seems to have an active nest, I anticipate eggs anytime.

April 25
Observed Blue Bird pair on a cloudy day as rain came in. Yellow rumped warblers were in great number. See my observations list for more info on the butter butts and other birds.

May 15
The only box being used at grandvue is box #2 on a post (open) behind the conference center. Tree swallows are incubating eggs. I opened the box and the female did not flush, she remained on the nest while the male did fly bys. Observed many blue birds but they apparently prefer the more rustic cavities.