Sunday, February 10, 2013

Grand Vue February 10, 2013

While much of the northeast is trying to dig out of a severe snow storm we were fortunate to have reasonably nice weather today.  With temperatures near the 50 degrees mark I spent a lot of time at Grandvue.  I visited the ravine by the office building but did not locate a winter wren ... again.  However the day was not lost as I saw 4 turkeys and 6 male bluebirds.  There was increased vocalization from many birds as I heard bluebirds, cardinals, song sparrows, chickadees, titmice, all singing territorial like songs.  The feeders were typical with note given to the 37 mourning doves observed at one time.    I also note that I saw my first flicker of the year at my suet on my deck. After the Grand Vue hike I went to the Ohio River where I watched two ring billed gulls and 5 canadian geese.  Many song sparrows by the river as well.  It was a good day!