Saturday, December 14, 2013

Early December 2013

Its all about weather now.  When we get snow the feeders fill with birds and when it stays mild the birds stay in their preferred habitats.  Last weekend (Dec 7) we had snow and I had many birds on my deck and ground below.  Two birds were notable.  First I saw a small bird on my deck exploring everything except seeds.  He had me puzzled for a while but then as I watched from my window he moved from deck floor to swing which is just outside my window.  As if to say, "take a close look" he moved across the top of the swing not 3 feet from my face.  A yellow-rumped warbler in December is a first for me.  The next bird was a white-crowned sparrow.  No matter how often I see a bird, its always nice to see the first one of the year or one that seems out of place and time.
The weatherman called for up to 4 inches of snow this morning, but instead we have a cold, wet day with no snow.  I'm sure there are some locals getting hit with some snow, but not down in the valley.  So we have very few birds this day.  Can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm ready to wake up to a snow that takes me on a crisp and crunchy hike at Grand Vue.  Maybe a kinglet or a sapsucker to make the hike noteworthy.  Well, it appears that will have to wait for another day.


Bill Beatty said...

Hi Woody...We have been hearing Kinglets and a Sapsucker on the property, but have yet to see the Sapsucker. Just before Christmas Jan got a package with five potter traps from a 'retiring' bander. Up on the ridge here it is often too windy to put up mist nets, but the ground traps can be used in any weather. Juncos have been in the traps a lot today. Caught one today I banded in Dec. 2010. Juncos being migratory, that one surprised me. Hope all is well with you. Have a great New Year!

wyoder said...

Nice to see the junco is trying to keep in touch with you. Have you seen that study, documentary called the extraordinary ordinary junco? If not google it, its outstanding.

wyoder said...

Also had golden crowned kinglet and YB sapsucker at grand vue in January. Enjoy what ever winter brings!